Luke’s insights into the biotech industry are based on a deep knowledge of the evolution of science and innovation, combined with an essential humanism.
If you want to know what happened, you can check stock prices or news feeds. If you want to know who is creating the future of medicine, and why it is going to happen, read Timmerman Report and listen to The Long Run podcast.
Luke has the rare ability to ask just the right questions to get underneath the standard “company line” and provide real insight.
Timmerman is always ahead of the game.
Biotech social media is easy to obtain, but is a firehose of data, information, and speculation. The savvy professional needs less noise and more actionable signal. Luke Timmerman finds and writes about that signal.
Luke’s ability to blend the implications of science with the exigencies of business creates an idiosyncratic and insightful read.
Luke Timmerman knows the deep secret of biotech: success requires technology plus people.
Luke Timmerman is the best in the business. He provides objective, insightful and comprehensive storytelling in his own inimitable way. An amazing journalist.
TR is essential reading at EcoR1 Capital. Luke’s thoughts and insights not only report on the biotech sector but help shape it.
I enjoy the sharp writing and no-bullshit tone in Timmerman Report. This is journalism worth paying for.