Community Action

TR Supports Community

Rolling Up the Sleeves

Timmerman Report is a trusted, independent source of biotech analysis and insight. But it’s more than that. It’s a network of smart and driven people who think about the biggest challenges in the biopharmaceutical industry and society.

Since 2017, I’ve sought to activate and mobilize this group toward good causes.

See below how you can help.

TR Proudly Supports:

Living Our Values

Sickle Forward understands the critical importance of bringing rapid screening for Sickle Cell Disease to resource-limited settings around the world. A child diagnosed through these screening efforts can be started on low-cost and highly effective treatments that have the ability to drastically improve their chances of survival.


Life Science Cares is a collective effort of the Life Science industry to eliminate the impact of poverty on our neighbors. Through uniting the human and financial resources of Life Science companies and industry leaders, Life Science Cares supports service organizations that do the best work in fighting poverty in our communities.


Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation funds high-risk, high-reward cancer research. It identifies and enables young scientists who are brilliant, brave and bold enough to go where others haven’t.