Welcome to the Timmerman Report
Welcome to a new adventure in biotech journalism.
After a year in the writer’s cave, the Lee Hood book is well on its way. It can now be converted into a nights and weekends project as I come down the stretch with editing. It has been a wonderful reporting challenge putting such a complicated life under the microscope. But I have missed the action of day-to-day journalism. It’s my passion. We’re living in a wonderfully creative time for biotech, and it’s a privilege to write about it. The main question for me has been how to find, or create, the right platform for doing what I love to do.
The answer is here, at the Timmerman Report. After years of writing about startups, I’m doing my own. The idea is simple. For $99, I will give biotech professionals like you a year’s worth of in-depth news, features, and original commentary to help you get ahead. For $25, graduate students and postdocs can get the same information to advance their careers. On the side, I will continue to write a handful of biotech stories a month for Forbes.
That’s it. There’s no magic algorithm, no investors, no need for user-generated content, no maximizing of eyeballs. No advertising or sponsored content will be accepted. The price is low enough at $99 per individual that there’s no need for a group corporate rate. (If more than one person at a company wants to read this publication, then more than one subscription is required.)
The Timmerman Report aspires to offer you a clean, simple reading experience—whether it’s on your smartphone, tablet, or computer at work. Most importantly, this is a business designed to support the kind of journalism that will give you less heat and more light. By offering a high-quality product at a low price, my hope is that the Timmerman Report will become one of your favorite, go-to sites for biotech news and analysis. I will strive to ask hard, constructive questions, and write in an accessible way about complicated subjects. It’s the sort of clear, probing and contextual journalism that never goes out of style.
I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure, this new mountain that I’m itching to climb.