


Attia and Kohane Examine What It Takes To Drive AI into Clinical Practice

Peter Attia is a prominent physician-turned-California longevity guru, and (to paraphrase Woody Allen) as California longevity gurus go, he’s one of the best, striving to remain grounded in science and data. Known for his popular book Outlive, and his affection for “rucking” (look it up), Attia is also the host of a long-form podcast called The Drive, and an engaging...
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AI: If Not Now, When? No, Really — When?

“It was all mixed into one, enormous, overflowing stew of very real technological advances, unfounded hype, wild predictions, and concerns for the future.  ‘Artificial intelligence’ was the term that described it all.” – Cade Metz, Genius Makers   The buzzy excitement around artificial intelligence (AI), and most recently generative artificial intelligence (genAI), has inspired some biopharma leaders, exasperated many others,...
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Recognizing 11 Asian-American Executives Shaping the Future of Biopharmaceuticals

As we celebrate the end of AAPI Heritage Month, we acknowledge the vital role that Asian American and Pacific Islander professionals have made in the biopharmaceutical industry. We are honored to present an update to our 2021 feature on 11 AAPI professionals shaping the future of biopharma, again selected for their commitment to solving health problems, integrity in leadership, and...
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The Tao of Drucker: Lessons For Drug Developers from GLP-1

The two broad categories of medical discovery that command the most attention are insights resulting from rare, informative genetic conditions (see here) and advances resulting from fortuitous observations.   A canonical example of the value of extreme genetic phenotypes is the patient with familial hypercholesterolemia who inspired Brown and Goldstein’s scientific pursuit of cholesterol metabolism and led to the statins. Similarly,...
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