Save the Date: TR 10th Anniversary

Luke Timmerman, founder & editor, Timmerman Report
Hard to believe, but the 10th Anniversary of Timmerman Report is coming up in March 2025.
Time to party!
The past 10 years of biotechnology have been remarkable. I’m fortunate. I’ve had a front-row seat to chronicle monumental advances at Timmerman Report, and occasionally influence events.
Join me and a group of biotech leaders in Boston on Mar. 6 and in Seattle on Mar. 13 for the TR10 Anniversary Celebrations.
TR10 East Coast Celebration
Mar. 6, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, 675 West Kendall St. Cambridge, Mass.
5 pm. Registration. Networking.
5:30 pm Welcome remarks. Alnylam and HSBC.
5:35 pm. Luke’s welcome.
5:40-6:20 pm. Toasts / Roasts / Predictions. How Will the Biopharma World Be Different in 2035?
- Vicki Sato, board chair, Denali Therapeutics, VIR Biotechnology
- John Maraganore, founding CEO, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
- David Schenkein, general partner, GV
- Andy Plump, president of R&D, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
- Katrine Bosley, founding CEO, DaCapo BrainScience
- Jeremy Levin, CEO, Ovid Therapeutics
- Roger Longman, chairman, Real Endpoints
- Abe Ceesay, CEO, Rapport Therapeutics
- Reid Huber, partner, Third Rock Ventures
- Alex Harding, entrepreneur-in-residence, Atlas Venture; TR correspondent
- Jeb Keiper, CEO, Nimbus Therapeutics
- Katherine Andersen, head of life science and healthcare, HSBC USA Commercial Banking
- David Shaywitz, biopharma R&D executive; TR healthtech columnist
- Bruce Booth, partner, Atlas Venture
- Rosana Kapeller, CEO, Rome Therapeutics
6:20 pm. Networking
7:30 pm. END
TR10 West Coast Celebration
Mar. 13, 2025, Adaptive Biotechnologies. 1165 Eastlake Ave. East, Seattle.
5 pm. Registration. Networking.
5:30 pm Welcome from Adaptive.
5:35 pm. Luke’s welcome.
5:40-6:20 pm. Toasts / Roasts / Predictions. How Will the Biopharma World Be Different in 2035?
- Chad Robins, co-founder and CEO, Adaptive Biotechnologies
- Thong Le, investment director, managing partner, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Strategic Investment Fund; senior managing director, Accelerator Life Science Partners
- Bob More, managing director, Alta Partners
- Jim Olson, professor, Seattle Children’s Research Institute; director, Invent@Seattle Children’s Postdoctoral Scholars Program.
- Kelly O’Brien, chief philanthropy officer, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
- Sam Blackman, founder and head of R&D, Day One Biopharmaceuticals
- Brad Loncar, founder, BiotechTV
- Andrew Farnum, co-founder and CEO, Variant Bio
- Aaron Ring, associate professor, translational science and therapeutics division, Fred Hutch Cancer Center; Anderson Family Endowed Chair for Immunotherapy; co-founder, Simcha Therapeutics, ALX Oncology, Seranova Bio, Ab Initio Therapeutics, Stipple Bio
- Andrew Dervan, co-founder and co-CEO, Cajal Neuroscience
- Cliff Stocks, CEO, OncoResponse
- Andy Scharenberg, co-founder and CEO, Umoja Biopharma
- Tae Han, co-founder and former chief strategy officer, ProfoundBio
- Lesley Stolz, vice president, early innovation partnering, Johnson & Johnson Innovation
- Bill Newell, CEO, Sutro Biopharma
- David Younger, co-founder and CEO, A-Alpha Bio
6:20 pm. Networking
7:30 pm. END
All active TR subscribers are welcome to attend. Non-subscribers can purchase an annual subscription — for an individual or a group — at the door.
This will be fun. There may be some teasing. Some wisecracks. I can take it.
Are you a long-term subscriber interested in offering a toast or roast? Perhaps you’d like to sponsor this fun biotech community event? See me
Thank you for your support of this experiment in independent biotech journalism.

Timmerman Report launch party, Cambridge MA. Mar. 2015